About Us

Paulo Rogerio (Mestre Peixe Cru)
First of all, I will speak about my background. My grandparents on my father’s side were Japanese and my mother’s side Spanish and Portuguese, so I have a mixed background. I met capoeira when I was 10 years old in 1980. Since that moment I was charmed by capoeira, I started at the same time as other relatives and friends. Since that times it was tradition from the school (Mestre Meinha) to visit other places or rodas and I think it was in 1986 that I become capoeira professor. That day was controversial because in the presence of another master that they started questioning if I was too young to become a professor. My master explained that I was young but I had experience and discipline and I will look after the school under the supervision of my brother that was a professor as well. When I was 21 years old I moved to Rio de Janeiro and started training with another school.

In 2019 I decided to create the group Comunidade de Estudos e Pesquisas da Capoeira. The decision came based on my experience and what Capoeira should promote to the people: movement, rhythm and values. It was not an easy decision and took me a while to decide. However, I don’t regret it and with time the philosophy and the group is still growing and improving    

Wesley Correia (MestrandoTatu)
I started Capoeira when I was a child. As a kid I was a troublemaker and my mom saw martial arts as a way to calm me down. I started to teach Capoeira at the age of 14 years old when I met another kid who was bullied. Sooner than later the word got spread and at the age of 16 I started to teach in a school. Always looking to learn more I started to watch videos, visit different places and join competitions with good results. It was in 2007 that I met Mestre Peixe Cru.

Today, I think of Capoeira as something to bring me down to the ground, remembering what I want in my life and how I want to live it. Especially when I see my master as a successful master and a humble person at the same time, simple in appearance and wise.

Today, I am proud to see capoeira spread around the world and myself as one of its promoters. A teacher that presents capoeira not just as a martial art, a philosophy of live, a way to self care on the three aspects of a human: physically, mentally and emotionally.

Saul Rondon (Graduado Maculele) 
I started Capoeira in Venezuela in 2005 when I was studying in college. I was looking for a hobby or sport to practice and I felt attracted to capoeira for the fact that it has another language and a few friends were interested on it. For a few years my friends and I were very committed to Capoeira and the training, even to the point that in 2007 we went to Brazil to a big festival. With the passing of the years everyone has to define their own path and most of my friends have left Capoeira already. However, my desire to keep training was intact and at that point I was a reference for Capoeira in the college and maybe in the state. In 2016 I met Tatu and we established a friendship and embraced the objective to train, teach and promote Capoeira in Ireland. To every person who is reading these words feel free and welcome to come to our class.